
福建省四种水生植物营养器官结构特征与环境影响的研究 被引量:7

Researches on the Structure Features of the Vegetative Organs of Four Types of Hydrophytes in Fujian Province and Their Influences on the Surrounding Environment
摘要 分布在福建省的四种水生植物 :眼子菜 (Potamogeton distinctus A.Bennett)、鸭舌草[Monochoria vaginlis(Burm.f) Presl ex Kunth]、圆叶节节菜 [Rotala rotundifolia(Buch- H am)Koehne]、水马齿 (Callitriche stagnalis Scop)营养器官的结构研究发现 :根以不同的方式形成通气组织 ,中柱小 ,木质部及机械组织不发达 ;茎中通气组织发达 ,中柱小 ,皮层厚 ,具内皮层及凯氏带 ;叶具发达的通气组织 .这些结构特征均与水生环境相适应 .另外 。 The researches of the vegetative organs of four types of hydrophyte Potamogeton distinctus A.Bennett, Monochora vaginlis (Burm.f) Presl ex Kunth, Rotala rotundifolia (Buch ham) Koehne and Callitriche stagnalis Scop show us: the roots have different aerenchyma ;they have small steles, undeveloped xylem and mechanical tissues; the aerenchyma in stele are well developed; they have thick cortxes, endodermis and casparian strips. they have well developed aerenchyma in the leaves. All the structural features adjusted to the water envirement. And there's still chloroplast in the stems of Callitriche stagnalis Scop .
出处 《天津师范大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2001年第4期56-59,共4页 Journal of Tianjin Normal University:Natural Science Edition
基金 世界银行贷款课题 ( JG197)
关键词 福建 水生植物 结构特征 营养器官 水生环境 Fujian province environment of hydrohyte features of organ structure
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