由于中国社会的转型 ,各种不同价值观念发生了碰撞 ,原有的处于主导地位的集体主义价值观念受到了冲击 ,其价值整合力、权威性大大降低。今天 ,我们应正确地认识和评价个体价值追求 ,把握其与集体价值追求及其实现之间的辩证关系 ,找出新主导价值观念形成的路径 。
Because of social diversions in China, different kinds of value concepts collided with each other. Originally leading concepts has been challenged resulting in the heavy degradation of its authority. Nowadays, we should recognize and evaluate individualism. We should also grasp the dialectical relationship between individualism and collectivism to set up novel leading system of value concepts by searching for the new way to form the new leading value concepts.
Journal of Social Science of Hunan Medical University