企业信息化是提高企业竞争力的重要手段。我国企业信息化已取得一定成效 ,但仍处于起步阶段 ,还存在企业领导重视不够、管理基础工作薄弱、资金投入不足、缺乏专业信息人才、信息机构不健全、没有管理创新的配合等制约企业信息化的问题。要进一步推进我国企业信息化 ,企业领导应充分重视并积极参与其中 ,着力夯实管理基础 ,规划好分步实施信息化的资金投放 ,建立和健全企业信息化的组织机构 。
Enterprise's Informationalization is an important means to improve its competitiveness.Enterprise's Informationalization in China has achieved a certain effect,but it is yet in a preliminary stage.There are still some problems:for example,enterprise's leaders attach inadequate importance to it;management has not been built on the rock;insufficient capital has been invested in it;there is a severe shoot of professionals;and there is a lack of cooperation on the part of management innovation,etc.To improver enterprise's Informationalization in China,the enterprise's leaders should make a point of doing it,build a solid management foundation,plan to invest money in it step by step,upbulid a wholesome organization for it,and along with all this set up a good coopereation between management and enterprise's informationalization.
Journal of Nanchang Institute of Aeronautical Technology(Social Science)