

On the features of justice in contemporary China
摘要 不同性质的社会在其正义基础的性质和具体内容方面是存在着区别的。由我国的社会主义本质所决定 ,当代中国的正义基础具有四个特质 ,即以发展生产力为历史使命、以生产资料公有制为主体、以人民利益为出发点及以共同富裕为目标。这种特质贯穿于社会主义发展的全过程 ,但它在不同的历史条件下有着不同的表现。它们共同构成当代中国社会正义的内容 ,是社会主义制度所应遵循的道德原则 ,也是评价社会主义制度是否具有道德合理性的标准。这与西方的个人权利和分配公正的所谓正义是根本不同的。 Societies of different nature are different in their characteristics and contents of the basis of justice. Decided by the socialist essence of China, the basis of justice in contemporary China is characterized by taking the development of productive forces as its historical mission, public ownership of means of production as its major constituent, People's interests as its start point,and common prosperity as its goal. Such features exist in the whole process of socialist development, but take different forms under different historical conditions. They altogether constitute the contents of justice in contemporary China, and they are the moral principles followed by socialist system.Also they are the standards to evaluate the moral rationality of socialist system.These are completely different from western opinion that the issue of justice is individual rights and distributive justice.
作者 彭定光
出处 《湘潭工学院学报(社会科学版)》 2001年第4期1-5,共5页 Social Science Journal of Xiangtan Polytechnic University
基金 国家社会科学基金项目 (0 1BZX0 4 3) 湖南省社会科学规划课题 (湘宣字 [2 0 0 0 ] 2 3号A0 91 )
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