
针刺风府、哑门穴的研究 被引量:8

Research on the Effect of Needling Points Fengfu and Yamen
摘要 针刺风府、哑门穴对许多重症有奇特疗效,但针刺难度大,针刺不当,会发生意外。本文对197例10578次的进针得气深度与其颈围的百分比进行统计分析,在上述36例针刺风府、哑门穴开始得气和大致进针到脊髓表面进行x线摄片和52具尸体上测量其颈围和风府、哑门穴的进针深度,得出针刺该两穴的得气深度与其颈围有正相关关系,推导出相应的回归方程,可作为临床上的安全参考。 Acupuncture on points Fengfu and Yamen can produce miraculous therapeutic effect on quite severe and critical diseases. However, the manipulation of needling points Fengfu and Yamen is extremely difficult, an improper insertion will cause an accident. Methods of research: A. A statistical analysis was made on the ratio between the inserting depth (the arrival of Qi) and the cervical girth for 197 patients (needling 10,578 times). B. X-ray films were taken for 36 cases of the above mentioned patients as soon as there were deqi by needling Fengfu or Yamen and further inserted to the surface of the spinal cord, C. For 52 corpses, the cervical girths and the inserting depth of points Fengfu & Yamen were measured. Results of research, A direct interrelation between the degi depth (needling the two poin- ts) and the cervical girth of the patient is acquired, thus a regression equation is deduced, It can be used as a reference of safety for the clinical application. In this article, the experiences of the inserting depth (the arrival of Qi) and the Localiza- tion of points Fengfu & yamen have also reported.
作者 李定明 李英
出处 《上海针灸杂志》 1991年第4期29-32,共4页 Shanghai Journal of Acupuncture and Moxibustion
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