
城市生活垃圾不同贮纳方式蝇幼虫滋生调查 被引量:2

An Investigation on Fly-larvae Which Breed in the Different Sloring Way Home-rubbish in City
摘要 目的 :调查城市生活垃圾不同贮纳方式蝇幼虫滋生情况。方法 :现场调查。结果 :调查 2 175点次 ,采集幼虫 410 4只 ,经鉴定有 4种 ,家蝇占 88.3%,丝光绿蝇占 10 .7%;蝇幼虫滋生频率单位垃圾箱 >立体垃圾箱 >垃圾桶和垃圾堆 ;7~ 8月滋生频率高于 5~ 6月 ,5~ 6月高于 3~ 4月和 9~ 10月 ;以边角残余垃圾滋生频率最高 ,为 5 2 .13%;其次为垃圾箱顶层、底层垃圾及箱体周边土壤 ,集中收集点的垃圾箱滋生频率及密度最低。结论 :垃圾箱边角残余垃圾及单位垃圾箱是蝇幼虫重要的滋生源 ,垃圾袋装化集中转运 ,是目前控制蝇幼虫滋生行之有效的措施。 Objective:To investigate the different storing way of home-rubbish in city and the breeding situation of fly-larvae. Methods:To survey on the scenes.Result:2 175 points were surveyed, got larvae 4 104, 4 species. Musca domestica was 88%, Lucilia sericata was 10.7%. The frequency of breeding fly-larvae was rubbish-box of unit>solid rubbish-box>rubbish-tub and rubbish-stack. The frequency of breeding fly-larvae in July-Aug. was higher than in May-Jun, and it was in May-Jun was higher than in Mar-April and Sept-Oct. The highest frequence was 52.13% in remained rubbish. Secondary was the top and the bottom of the rubbish-boxes and the soil rounding the rubbish-box. The lowest was the rubbish-box which were in the centre of collecting-rubbish. Conclusion:The rubbish-boxes of unit and the remained rubbish out of the rubbish-box are the important places where fly-larvae breed.Put rubbish into bags and transport togather are the effective measure to control the maggot breed.
出处 《中国媒介生物学及控制杂志》 CAS CSCD 2002年第1期30-31,共2页 Chinese Journal of Vector Biology and Control
关键词 生活垃圾 贮纳方式 蝇幼虫滋生 城市垃圾 调查 Home-rubbish Storing-way Fly-larvae
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