主要介绍了组合导航系统中多传感器信息融合技术的国内外发展状况 ,对 INS/ GPS/ TAN/SMN(惯性系统 /卫星导航系统 /地形辅助导航 /景象匹配导航 )组合系统中的多传感器信息融合的层次结构与融合方法 ,首次提出 INS/ GPS/ TAN/ SMN组合导航系统信息融合的层次结构 ,并提出了多源图像融合制导的思想与方法 .本文指出比较有应用前景的信息融合研究方法是基于模糊逻辑、小波分析、神经网络等人工智能的新方法 ,以及这些新方法与传统的随机类方法相结合的随机
The external and domestic development status of Multi sensor information fusion technique in integrated navigation systems is discussed. Especially, the fusion architecture and methods for INS/GPS/TAN/SMN (Inertial Navigation System, Global Positioning System, Terrain Aided Navigation, Scene Matching Navigation) Integrated Navigation Systems are introduced and investigated deeply. The fusion architecture of INS/GPS/TAN/SMN Integrated Navigation system is put forward firstly; also the idea and method of multi image fusion are adopted to integrated navigation systems. Artificial intelligence based methods such as fuzzy logic, wavelet analysis and neural network, as well as the combination of these new methods and the traditional stochastic methods are considered as the most prospective methods in this field.
Information and Control