
LRB隔震桥梁地震反应初探 被引量:5

Study of seismically isolated bridges with LRB
摘要 对一座 LRB隔震桥梁输入了大量具有相同反应谱的地震波 ,通过非线性时程分析发现 ,隔震桥梁地震反应的离散性很大 ,其最大响应对地震动的全过程十分敏感。对隔震桥梁设计时常用的5种等效线性化方法进行了比较研究 ,发现用反应谱法按等效线性模型计算时 ,如果隔震支座延性率不同 ,多数方法计算结果的安全概率也不一样。在工程上常见的延性率范围内 。 Through nonlinear time history analysis of seismically isolated bridges with the use of large numbers of seismic waves,which have the same response spectrum,it is found that the maximum response is differs widely.The maximum response of nonlinear structures is sensitive to the total process of seismic ground motion.Five equivalent linear methods for the seismic analysis of seismically isolated bridges have been compared.The study proves that the degree of reliability of results,which are calculated by response spectrum using equivalent linear models,does not remain the same as the bearing ductility ratio varies.In usually ranges of bearing ductility ratio,the results calculated by those equivalent linear methods are not safe.
作者 朱东生
出处 《中国公路学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2001年第4期47-51,共5页 China Journal of Highway and Transport
基金 甘肃省中青年科技基金项目 ( YS0 0 1-A2 2 -0 0 7)
关键词 地震反应 时程分析 等效线性化方法 反应谱法 LRB隔震桥梁 抗震设计 计算 seismic isolation seismic response time history analysis equivalent linear method
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