
南方亚麻田杂草防治药效试验及应用技术 被引量:1

Weedicide Selection and Application Technique of Weed Control in Flax Field in South China
摘要 南方冬春季种植的亚麻 ,田间主要杂草有看麦娘、牛繁缕、艹罔 草及碎米荠。试验表明 :72 %都尔乳油每 6 6 6 .7m2 用量 1 30ml,在亚麻播后发芽前封土处理 ,其鲜重防效达 84 .7% ;1 7.5%快刀乳油、1 0 .8%高效盖草能乳油及 5%禾草杀星乳油每 6 6 6 .7m2 用量 6 0ml,在亚麻出苗后 2 0~ 30天喷雾 ,其鲜重防效分别为 98.1 %、87.1 %和 92 .7%。上述药剂对亚麻安全无药害 。 Alopecurus aequalis Sobol. ?Malachium aquaticum(l.) Fries?Beckmannia erucae formis Host and Cardamine hirsuta L. were dominant in flax field in south. The result indicated that weed control effect on fresh weight reached 84.7% at the rate of 130ml a.i./666.7m 2 with 72% Metolachor before emergence of seedling. Spraying Benazolin-ethyl.quizalofop-p-ethyl?Gallant TM super and quizalofop-p-ethyl 20-30 days after emergence of seedling control effect on fresh weight respectively were 98.1%?87.1% and 92.7% at the rate of 60 ml a.i./666.7m 2. These five weedicides didn't damage seedlings of flax and sprayed once can controlled completely weed injury of total growing period in flax field.
机构地区 台州市农科所
出处 《中国麻业》 2001年第4期14-16,共3页 Plant Fibers and Products
关键词 亚麻 除草剂 田间杂草 防治 药效 应用技术 Flax Weedicide field weeds control
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