目的 明确全国地方性氟中毒 (地氟病 )病情动态与现状。方法 采用流行病学方法分析地氟病的病情动态和现状。资料来源于两个方面 :11991— 1999年全国地氟病重点监测数据。2 1991— 2 0 0 0年全国地方病统计信息系统数据。结果 1在饮水型病区 ,华北、华东、西北地区的地氟病病情均呈下降趋势 ,东北地区不降反升 ;在燃煤型病区 ,西部病情呈上升趋势 ,氟斑牙患病率上升 15个百分点 ,氟骨症患病率上升 2个百分点。 2目前 ,我国饮水型重病区分布在东北三省 ,华北山西、天津 ,华东江苏 ,西北内蒙、陕西、青海等省份 ;燃煤型重病区分布在西部的贵州、四川、云南、陕西和湖北等省份。3我国地氟病病情虽得到一定控制 ,但并不令人满意 ,饮水型氟斑牙患病率为 2 9.3% ,氟骨症患病率为 1.45 % ;燃煤型氟斑牙患病率为 5 2 .2 % ,氟骨症患病率为 4.32 %。饮水型较燃煤型控制得好些。结论 我国地氟病病情仍然较重 ,防治工作绝不能放松 。
Objective To clarify the disease trends and present states of endemic fluorosis.Methods Epidemiologic methods were adopted. Data came from two aspects: the first was the key monitoring data of endemic fluorosis from 1991 to 1999, and the second was the nationwide data of endemic disease statistics from 1991 to 2000.Results ①In drinking water area the state of endemic fluorosis tended downwards except in North East region; in burning coal area that tended upwards in west zone, the detective rate of dental and skeletal fluorosis raised by 15% and 2% respectively.②By now, in drinking water area, the state of endemic fluorosis was serious in Heilongjiang, Jilin, Liaoning, Shanxi, Tianjing, Jiangsu, Inner Mongolia, Shaanxi, Qinghai ect,and in burning coal area, in Guizhou, Sichuan, Shanxi, and Hubei provinces ect.③It was not satisfied for the dropped speed of state of endemic fluorosis. The detective rate of dental and skeletal fluorosis was 30.3%, 1.5% respectively in drinking water area; and that was 52.2%,4.32% respectively in burning coal area. The control results of drinking water type fluorosis are better than burning coal type fluorosis.Conclusions Now the state of endemic fluorosis is still serious in China,so preventive working for endemic fluorosis control must be strengthened.
Chinese Jouranl of Endemiology
卫生部疾病控制司委托任务基金项目 ( 1991-2 0 0 0 )
Endemic fluorosis
The disease state