目的 对肺功能检测在我国的应用现状进行首次调查。方法 对我国 2 9个省、直辖市、自治区 2 12家医院进行问卷调查。结果 检测回函率为 81 6 % ,已开展肺功能检测者为 91 9% ,其中三级医院为 6 9 2 %。肺功能检测在 2 0世纪 70年代后期开展较快 ,90年代前期达到高峰。国产肺功能检测仪仅为 12 4% ,进口检测仪为 87 6 % ;平均每月肺功能应用次数及每病床使用数总体较低 ,肺功能检测项目和临床应用在三级和二级医院间有较大差异 ;肺功能在内、外科应用较为广泛 ,儿科、妇科、耳鼻喉科等应用较少。检测的基本项目是通气功能 ,所有已开展肺功能检测的医院都已开展 ,支气管扩张试验 (74 2 % )和激发试验 (6 5 4% )应用也较为广泛 ,肺容量 (6 0 0 % )、弥散 (5 8 2 % )及气道阻力 (4 2 7% )测定分别在三级医院开展 ,但二级和以下医院开展较少 ,运动心肺功能试验在三级医院中只有 16 4%的医院开展 ,三级以下医院均为空白 ;对所选用的肺功能正常预计值能明确说明的医院只有 2 1 4% ;能明确选用适于儿童正常值的医院只占开展儿科检测的 16 9% ;引用国人预计值的医院仅 16 3%。结论 我国肺功能检测发展仍不平衡 ,对肺功能检测临床应用的认识有待加强。肺功能仪器国产化亟待加强。肺功能检测应更广泛的?
Objective Assessment of the clinical application of pulmonary function testing (PFT) in China Method A questionnaire survey was performed in 212 hospitals covering 29 provinces of China Results The response rate was 81 6% PFT had been conducted in 91 9% of the responders, of which 69 2% were from large (provincial or municipal) hospitals. PFT was introduced to many hospitals in late 1970′s, and has been used widely in early 1990′s Only 12 4% of the instruments being used was made domesticly The frequencies of average PFT per month and per bed were low and a large variation existed among hospitals. PFT had been used more in the departments of internal medicine and surgery, but less in pediatrics, gynecology, and ENT Spirometric measurement was the most common testing (performed 100%), followed by bronchial dilation test (74 2%) and bronchial provocation test (65 4%) Lung volume, diffusion capacity and airway resistance measurement had been conducted in 60 0%, 58 2%, and 42 7%, of the large hospitals, respectively Exercise test was conducted in only 16 4% of the large hospitals The reference norms were stated in only 21 4% of the hospitals Prediction equations available for children were stated in only 16 9% hospitals where PFT were performed in children Prediction equations derived from mainland Chinese were used in only 16 3% lung function laboratories Conclusions The clinical application of PFT in China is not popular and varies from hospital to hospital It is imperative to develop domestic lung function instruments as well as lung function norms for Chinese
Chinese Journal of Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases