
陕西省宝鸡市不同功能区土壤重金属污染特征及健康风险评价 被引量:9

Pollution characteristics and health risk assessment of heavy metals in different urban functional areas of Baoji City, Shaanxi Province
摘要 [目的]分析陕西省宝鸡市不同功能区表层土壤重金属污染特征,并评价其潜在健康风险。[方法]采集该城市居民区、交通区、工业区和商业区109件表层土壤样品。采用电感耦合等离子体质谱仪测定土壤中Cr、Cd、Ni、Cu和Zn 5种重金属的含量。利用内梅罗综合污染指数PN和健康风险评价模型对其污染状况和健康风险进行评价。[结果]宝鸡市各功能区5种重金属的平均值均超过陕西省土壤背景值,具有不同程度污染,Cd污染最为严重。内梅罗综合指数PN结果表明,各功能区污染程度表现为工业区(8.2)>交通区(6.9)>商业区(6.7)>居民区(6.3),且都处于重度污染。健康风险模型评价结果表明,Cr、Ni总致癌风险呈现居民区>交通区>商业区>工业区趋势,Cd总致癌风险呈现居民区>工业区>交通区>商业区的趋势。不同功能区土壤Cd与Ni不会产生致癌风险(<1×10^-6),Cr的致癌风险水平在可接受范围内(1×10^-6~1×10^-4)。居民区Cr的非致癌风险值为2.62,其余各功能区非致癌风险值均小于1。[结论]该研究区表层土壤重金属污染严重,Cd污染超标严重。Cr为是各功能区土壤重金属非致癌风险和致癌风险最主要的贡献因子,应关注其潜在危害。 [Objective ]To analyze soil pollution characteristics of heavy metals in different urban functional areas of Baoji City,Shaanxi Province,and evaluate their potential health risks. [Methods ]A total of 109 surface soil samples were collected from residential,traffic,industrial,and commercial areas of Baoji. Inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry was used to detect five heavy metals in the samples,including Cr,Cd,Ni,Cu,and Zn.Nemerow comprehensive pollution index PN and health risk assessment model were applied to evaluate the pollution levels and human health risks of heavy metals. [Results ]The average contents of Cr,Cd,Ni,Cu,and Zn in selected functional areas exceeded the corresponding background values of Shaanxi Province,which indicated different degrees of pollution,and Cd pollution was the most serious.The results of Nemerow comprehensive index PN showed that the heavy metal pollution levels of the selected functional areas were industrial district (8.2)>traffic area (6.9)>commercial area (6.7)>residential area (6.3),and all were seriously contaminated.The results of health risk assessment model showed that the total carcinogenic risks of Cr and Ni from higher to low were residential area >traffic area >commercial area >industrial area,while the risk of Cd was residential area >industrial area >traffic area > commercial area.Cd and Ni in different functional areas had.no carcinogenic risk (<1 × 10^-6),and the carcinogenic risk of Cr was within acceptable level (1× 10^-6-1× 10^-4).The non-carcinogenic hazard index of Cr in residential area was 2.62,and the indices in the other functional areas were all <1. [Conclusion ]Severe contamination of heavy metals in soil is identified in the studied area.Cd is the main heavy metal with both carcinogenic risk and non-carcinogenic risk,requiring attention its potential risks.
作者 易文利 董奇 杨飞 朱婵园 YI Wen-li;DONG Qi;YANG Fei;ZHU Chan-yuan(College of Geography and Environment,Shaanxi Key Laboratory of Disaster Monitoring and Mechanism Simulation,Baoji University of Arts and Sciences,Baoji,Shaanxi 721013,China)
出处 《环境与职业医学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第11期1019-1024,1030,共7页 Journal of Environmental and Occupational Medicine
基金 陕西省自然科学基础研究计划项目(编号:2015JQ4114) 陕西省教育厅自然科学项目(编号:14JS008)
关键词 功能区 土壤 重金属 污染 健康风险评价 functional area soil heavy metal pollution health risk assessment
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