针对一般RSSI定位系统精度低的缺陷,设计了基于RSSI优化模型的室内定位系统。采用Zig Bee无线传感器网络,首先根据RSSI测距原理,建立信号强度与距离的数学模型把RSSI值转换为距离,然后根据实际距离与测试距离的绝对差值进行模型优化,再通过改进的加权质心定位算法进行定位,该算法将质心所对应的相交圆的半径之和作为权重。通过两次改进优化,得到移动节点位置,实现定位结果的实时显示。测试结果表明算法精度达到0.71m,与一般加权质心算法相比有效提高了效率与精度。
Aiming at the low precision of general RSSI positioning system,an indoor positioning system based on Received Signal Strength Indicator( RSSI) optimization model was designed. Using ZigBee wireless sensor network,Firstly,according to the principle of RSSI distance measurement,the mathematical model of signal strength and distance is established and the RSSI value is transformed into a distance,then the model is optimized according to the absolute difference between the actual distance and the test distance. Then the improved weighted centroid algorithm is used to locate the target,which takes the sum of the radius of the intersection circles corresponding to the centroids as weights. Through two improvements and optimization,get the location of the mobile node,and real-time display of positioning results. The test results show that the precision of the algorithm achieve to 0. 71 m,which effectively improves the efficiency and accuracy compared with the general weighted centroid algorithm.
LUO Jian-yu;ZHANG Wei-qiang;XU Ting(Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science,Ningbo University,Ningbo 315211,China)
Wireless Communication Technology