
雅万高铁创新实践与启示 被引量:22

Innovative Practice and Experience of Jakarta-Bandung High Speed Railway
摘要 作为中国高铁境外全面合作开工建设的第一单,及时分析和总结雅万高铁项目的实践经验,有利于更好地推进项目,可为其他海外项目提供参考和借鉴,也有助于中国高铁"走出去"以及"一带一路"倡议的落实。介绍雅万高铁项目合作的背景、形成历程和推进情况,从主要技术标准、合资公司(KCIC)组织架构、工程总承包(EPC)联合体组织架构等方面具体介绍项目的基本情况和合作模式。重点分析项目面对的机遇和挑战,总结项目实施的经验,指出雅万高铁项目是落实国家战略、具有示范性和标志性的项目,其所处时代机遇难能可贵,同时也对项目提出了更高的要求。结合项目具体实践指出征地拆迁、公共设施迁改和工程质量控制是影响项目推进和实现精品工程目标的关键因素,提出相应的指导思想和解决思路,并从把握需求、合作模式、沟通与共赢以及中国标准"走出去"等方面,总结雅万高铁项目成功落实和顺利推进的经验和启示。 The Jakarta-Bandung high speed railway project is China’s first oversea railway project under joint construction. It is important for us to analyze and summarize the practical experience of this project in time for the purpose of better advancing the project in the future, providing reference for other oversea projects, as well as better implementing China’s "going global" and the Belt and Road initiatives. This paper introduces the cooperation background, development course and progress of the Jakarta-Bandung high speed railway project, and talks about the basic information and cooperation mode from the aspects of main technical standards and organization architectures of KCIC and EPC consortium. This paper focuses on the analysis of the opportunities and challenges encountered in this project and the experience gained from it, noting that the Jakarta-Bandung high speed railway project, an exemplary and symbolic project to implement China’s initiative, is now in a valuable time of opportunity and facing higher demands. This paper, based on the actual practice in this project, points out that the key factors affecting the project progress and goal achievement include the land acquisition and demolishing, relocation of public facilities, and engineering quality control, and proposes corresponding guidance and solutions as well. It also summarizes the experience of successfully implementing and advancing this project from the aspects of demand identification and clarification, cooperation mode, communication and win-win cooperation, as well as "going-global" of Chinese standards.
作者 杨忠民 YANG Zhongmin(China Railway International Co Ltd,Beijing 100055,China)
出处 《中国铁路》 2018年第12期1-6,共6页 China Railway
关键词 中国铁路“走出去” 高速铁路 海外项目 雅万高铁 一带一路 "going global"of China railway high speed railway oversea project Jakarta-Bandung high speed railway the Belt and Road
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