

Preparation and photocatalytic performance of K_8[Mn(H_2O)W_(11)CdO_(39)]/PANI/GO composite materials
摘要 利用界面聚合法进行K_2O)W_(11)CdO_(39)]/PANI/GO复合材料制备,采用红外、紫外、XRD、SEM、EDS和氮气吸附对合成的复合材料进行表征,并且研究了该复合材料对龙胆紫染料的光催化性能,探讨了催化剂用量、pH、染料初始质量浓度和不同催化剂对光降解效率的影响,考察了重复回收效果。结果表明,龙胆紫溶液初始质量浓度为3 mg/L、pH=2、催化剂用量为160 mg/L时,紫外光照射200 min脱色率可达94.8%,3次回收重复实验的脱色率仍达到81.2%。 The K8[Mn(H2O)W11CdO39]/PANI/GO composite materials was prepared with the interfacial polymerization method. The composite materials was characterized by FT-IR, UV-Vis, XRD, SEM, EDS and N2 adsorption-desorption. The photocatalytic degration activity of composite materials for gentian violet solution was studied. The influences of catalyst dosage, pH, initial dye concentration and different catalysts on the photocatalytic degradation were studied. The effect of repeated recovery was also studied. The results showed that under the conditions of the initial concentration of gentian violet solution 3 mg/L, pH=2, catalyst dosage160 mg/L and ultraviolet irradiation time 200 min, the decolorization rate could reach 94.8%, and the decolorization rate of the third recovery experiment was still 81.2%.
作者 孙佳昆 单秋杰 田景芝 陈伟 SUN Jiakun;SHAN Qiujie;TIAN Jingzhi;CHEN Wei(School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering,Qiqihar University,Qiqihar 161006,China)
出处 《印染助剂》 CAS 北大核心 2018年第12期25-29,共5页 Textile Auxiliaries
基金 黑龙江省教育厅基金项目(12531776)
关键词 杂多酸 氧化石墨烯 聚苯胺 龙胆紫 光降解 heteropoly acid graphene oxide polyaniline gentian violet photodegradation
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