

Analysis of Serological Screening Results of Brucellosis in High-risk Populations in Dazhou City From 2016 to 2017
摘要 目的分析达州市布鲁菌病(以下简称“布病”)高危人群的感染状况,为今后布病防治工作奠定基础。方法按照国家标准对布病高危人群进行血清学检测并统计分析。结果共检测高危人群1336人,虎红平板凝集试验(RBPT)初筛阳性51份,阳性率3.82%;试管凝集试验(SAT)确证阳性18份,阳性率1.35%。性别、地区分布无统计学意义(P>0.05),前两年有人间布病病例报告地区的初筛总阳性率5.72%(34/594)明显高于尚无病例报告地区2.29%(17/742),两者差异有统计学意义(χ2=9.78,P=0.0018)。确证总阳性率1.52%(9/594)虽高于尚无病例报告地区1.21%(9/742),但差异无统计学意义(χ2=0.22,P=0.64)。与有病例报告地区接壤的大竹县确证阳性数最多。高危人群以中年人居多。职业分布有统计学意义(χ2=6.94,P<0.05),养殖户人群阳性率最高。结论达州市存在潜在的布病暴发风险,且有蔓延的趋势。监测工作要加强标本采集的质量控制,同时,因地制宜加强本地中青年畜牧养殖人群的健康教育,增强其自我保护和检疫意识。 Objective Analysis on the infection situation of brucellosis in high risk population in Dazhou city,andto lay the foundation for the future prevention and control of brucellosis. Methods In accordance with thenational standards of brucellosis,serological testing was carried out to the high risk group and the results wasanalyzed statistically. Results A total of 1 336 people were tested as high risk group. About 51 positive sampleswere detected by RBPT,and the positive rate was 3. 82%. The 18 positive samples were confirmed by SAT,thepositive rate was 1. 35%. Gender and area distribution was not statistically significant ( P > 0. 05) . Totalscreening positive rate was 5. 72% ( 34 /594) in the area of brucellosis reported cases in the previous two years,which was significantly higher than that of the no reported cases ( 2. 29%,17 /742) ,the difference wasstatistically significant ( χ2 = 9. 78,P = 0. 001 8) . The total positive rate of confirm was 1. 52% ( 9 /594) ,although it was higher than that of no reported cases 1. 21% ( 9 /742) ,but the difference was not statisticallysignificant ( χ2 = 0. 22,P = 0. 64) . The confirmed positivenumber of case in Dazhu county which is bordered by thereported areas was the most. The high risk group was atmiddle - aged,occupational distribution was statisticallysignificant ( χ2 = 6. 94,P<0. 05) ,and the farmer was thehighest positive rate. Conclusion There is a potential riskof outbreaks of brucellosis in Dazhou city and has a tendency to spread. The quality control of specimen collection should be strengthened in monitoring work,and to strengthen the health education and propaganda on local youth population of livestock breeding inline with local conditions,so as to enhance their awareness of self-protection and quarantine.
作者 李红 陈松 周汉洪 胡小琦 彭焕文 LI Hong;CHEN Song;ZHOU Hanhong;HU Xiaoqi;PENG Huanwen(Dazhou Center for Disease Control and Prevention,Dazhou City 635002,Sichuan Province,China)
出处 《预防医学情报杂志》 CAS 2019年第1期27-29,共3页 Journal of Preventive Medicine Information
基金 达州市科技惠民计划项目(达市财建[2015]61号)
关键词 布鲁菌病 高危人群 血清学 分析 健康教育 brucellosis high-risk groups serology analysis health education
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