
微囊牛嗜铬细胞移植镇痛作用的实验研究 被引量:2

Study on Analgesic Function of Microencapsulated Bovine Chromaffin Cell in Rats
摘要 目的 观察微囊牛嗜铬细胞 (BCC)的镇痛作用 ;方法 应用胶原酶消化法分离、提取牛嗜铬细胞 ,进行APA微囊化 ;制作大鼠坐骨神经结扎和福尔马林实验疼痛动物模型 ,模型大鼠各分为 4组 (微囊BCC组、裸细胞组、空囊组和生理盐水组 ) ,分别在蛛网膜下腔植入微囊化BCC、未包囊BCC、空囊和生理盐水 ,观察坐骨神经结扎疼痛模型动物冷、热刺激后的行为学变化及福尔马林疼痛模型动物福尔马林刺激后的行为学变化 ;结果 坐骨神经结扎实验动物冷、热刺激后 ,微囊BCC组冷刺激收缩时间、次数和热刺激潜伏期差异分数明显下降 ,裸细胞组下降只维持了 2周 ,而空囊组和生理盐水组无变化 ;福尔马林实验动物刺激后 ,微囊BCC组收缩次数下降了 13周以上 ,裸细胞组下降只维持了 2周 ,而空囊组和生理盐水组无变化 ; Objective The analgesic function of microencapsulated bovine chromaffin cell in rats was studied.Methods The bovine chromaffin cell(BCC) was isolated with collagenase ingestion. Sciatic nerve ligation and formalin test pain rat model were established. The rats were divided into 4 groups and implanted with microencapsulated BCC, naked BCC, empty capsule and injected NS respectively. The behavior of rats with sciatic nerve ligation after cold and hot stimulus and that of rats with formalin test after formalin injection were recorded.Results In sciatic nerve ligation models after cold and hot stimulus, the score difference of hind paw withdrawals number and cumulative duration in rats with microencapsulated BCC decreased obviously, while the descent in rats with naked BCC was only lasted 2 weeks, and there was no difference in rats with empty capsule and NS. The similar results were found in rats with formalin test.Conclusion The microencapsulated bovine chromaffin cell presents analgesic effect in rats.
出处 《生物医学工程与临床》 CAS 2002年第1期7-10,共4页 Biomedical Engineering and Clinical Medicine
关键词 微囊 嗜铬细胞移植 疼痛 大鼠 镇痛作用 microencapsulated chromaffin cell transplantation pain bovine rat
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