目的 了解我国中年人群超重率和肥胖率现状 ,定量估价近十余年来超重率和肥胖率发展趋势。方法 选择城乡不同地区、不同职业的 15个人群 (每个人群 10 0 0人左右 ,男女各半 ,年龄35~ 5 9岁 )共计 15 389人为调查对象 ,以BMI≥ 2 5为超重 ,BMI≥ 30为肥胖 ,分别计算超重率和肥胖率 ,并与 2 0世纪 80年代初和 90年代初可比资料比较。结果 ①各地人群超重率和肥胖率存在极大差异。在超重严重的地区 ,中年人群超重率已超过 5 0 %;②一般来说这种人群差别表现为 :北方高于南方 ,大中城市高于内地农村 ,女性高于男性 ;③中年人群的超重目前尚主要表现为“肥胖前期” ,肥胖率在绝大多数人群中低于 10 %;④与 80年代初相比 ,90年代初各人群超重率和肥胖率均上升 ;与 90年代初相比 ,90年代末多数人群超重率和肥胖率均再次大幅度上升。结论 对我国人群超重和肥胖的干预迫在眉睫。
Objective To understand the current status on prevalence of overweight and obesity in Chinese middle-aged population, and to quantify the magnitude of the trends of development in the past two decades. Methods Body mass index(BMI) was measured on 15 389 middle-aged men and women from 15 natural populations all over China with different geographical,economical(urban/rural) and occupational status.Overweight was defined as BMI≥25 while obesity as BMI≥30. Results 1) The rates of prevalence on overweight and obesity varied dramatically between populations. 2) In general, the prevalence rates were higher in the northern areas, in urban areas, and in women. 3)The current problem of obesity was related to 'pre-obese' stage, with less than 10% in most populations. 4) The prevalence of overweight and obesity started to show significantly increase from early 80's to early 90's but more prominant in the late 90's. Conclusion Prevention and intervention of overweight and obesity are in urgent need in the Chinese populations, especially in those economically fast developing areas.
Chinese Journal of Epidemiology
国家"九五"科技攻关项目 ( 96 90 6 0 2 0 1)