
33例地高辛中毒原因分析 被引量:5

Cause analysis of 33 cases with digoxin intoxication
摘要 目的 探讨地高辛中毒的原因。方法 调查分析 33例地高辛中毒者的临床资料。结果  33例地高辛中毒患者年龄 2 2~ 89(6 2 .2± 15 .7)岁。平均中毒血药浓度为 (4 .0± 1.6 6 )ng·mL-1。多数患者均合并多种疾病 ,伴有严重器质性心脏病 2 7例 ,肝肾功能不全 2 3例 ,电解质紊乱 11例。此外 ,超量用药和药物相互作用 ,致使地高辛血药浓度增高等因素均与地高辛中毒有关。结论 地高辛中毒因素往往是多方面的 ,因而在使用地高辛时 ,应注意患者生理、病理状况及药物相互作用 ,及时监测血药浓度并调整用药方案 。 OBJECTIVE To evaluate the cause of digoxin (DGX) intoxication.METHODS The clinical data of 33 cases with DGX intoxication were analyzed.RESULTS The ages of 33 patients were ranged from 22 to 89 (62.2±15.7) years old.The mean blood drug concentration in DGX intoxication was (4.0±1.66) ng·mL -1.Most of the patients were ill with several diseases, such as serious cardiac disease (27 cases), liver and kidney function deficiency (23 cases),and electrolyte disorder (11 cases). In addition, the factors of exceeding the limit dose of DGX or the interactions among the medicines to increase the DGX concentration were related to the DGX intoxication.CONCLUSION Because the cause of DGX intoxication was complicate,it suggested to pay more attention to the physiologic and pathologic condition of the patients and the interactions among medicines.It was necessary to monitor the blood drug concentration and modify the dosage regimen of DGX in time to prevent from DGX intoxication.
出处 《中国药学杂志》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2002年第4期312-314,共3页 Chinese Pharmaceutical Journal
关键词 地高辛 血药浓度 药物中毒 原因分析 digoxin blood drug concentration intoxication
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