

Facing 21st Century,We Need to Establish New Conception in the Higher Professional Education
摘要 高职教育得到空前发展,但是首先应明了当前我国高职教育的观念误区,更新观念,树立文化、质量终身学习及实践意识,为探讨新世纪高职教育的发展打好基础。 The higher professional education has experienced unprecedented development. However, we should firstly be aware of the concept misunderstanding of present higher professional education in our country renew our concept and build up the concept of culture, quality, lifelong study and practice and then build a solid basis of the development of higher professional education in the new century.
作者 刘学宁
出处 《天津成人高等学校联合学报》 2002年第2期24-26,共3页 Journal of Tianjin Adult Higher Learning
关键词 高职教育 21世纪 教育定位 教育特色 市场意识 higher professional education, concept misunderstanding the new concept
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  • 1叶春生.高等职业教育的探索与实践.[M]苏州大学出版社.
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