对地膜覆盖和露地栽培小麦开花后植株干物质积累、分配、转运及籽粒灌浆特性进行比较研究。结果表明 :覆膜小麦和露地小麦比较 ,具有较高的生物产量 ,开花后干物质积累量、日生产量、茎、叶、颖壳、穗轴等器官营养物质输出率、分配率、转换率均高于露地栽培小麦。小麦籽粒灌浆期间具有较强的生长势 ,灌浆速度快、时间长、收获指数高、经济产量高 ,产量构成三要素 :6 6 7m2 穗数、穗粒数、千粒重分别比露地小麦增加 5 .2万、1.5粒、1.2 g ,小麦籽粒产量增加 110 .8kg。
The comparative observation between field-covered wheat and field-uncovered wheat on dry matter accumulation after bloom distribition. trasportation and seed filling character showed that:the field-covered film was higher than the field-uncovered wheat in biological yield.dry matter accumulation. Yield per day nutritive output.rate and distribution transformation rate of stem leaf glume and spike stalk. during seed-filling period, the pield-covered wheat had stronger growing power,higher filling rate. Long time filling. Higher havest index and economic yield. The three yield traits: panicle per mugrains per panicle and thousand-grain weight. Separately increased by fifty two thousand. 1.5grains and 1.2g, the yield increased by 110.8kg.
Journal of Laiyang Agricultural College