组织的决策效率取决于决策权和知识之间的匹配程度。当知识与决策权不匹配的时候 ,一是将决策权转移给有知识的人 ,这面临着代理成本 ;另一种是将知识转移给有决策权的人 ,这面临着信息成本。企业采用集权还是分权的组织结构 ,就是对这两种成本的权衡。专门知识是企业竞争优势的重要来源 ,如何利用专门知识是企业的关键问题之一。由于专门知识具有难以转移的特性 ,导致组织的信息成本高于代理成本 ,所以组织一般是将决策权转移给具有专门知识的人 ,即采用分权的组织结构。这样 ,本文就从知识的角度为组织的分权化提供了一个合理的解释。
Decision efficiency in the organization depends on the match level between knowledge and decision -power. When knowledge does not match with decision-power, decision-power can be transferred to people with knowledge, which can bring out the agency cost; or knowledge can be transferred to people with decision-power, which can bring out the information cost. Whether the company takes the centralized or the dispersed organization structure is the balance between agency cost and information cost. Special knowledge is the source of competitive advantage and how to use it is the key question. Because special knowledge cannot be transferred easily, which means information cost is higher than agency cost, decision-power is often dispersed . Thus, from the view of knowledge, the paper explains the reason of dispersed power in the organization .
China Industrial Economics
国家自然科学基金重点项目 ( 79930 30 0 )资助