目的 :探讨针刺抗衰老方面的作用机理。选用老年大鼠“足三里”、“关元”穴[8] 对心组织中一氧化氮(NO)含量变化、抗氧化系统中超氧化物歧化酶 (SOD)、丙二醛 (MDA)含量影响的实验研究。方法 :采用考马斯亮兰测定法测定心组织中蛋白含量 ,应用黄嘌呤氧化酶法测定心组织中SOD活力 ,采用硫代巴比妥酸染色法测定心组织中MDA含量 ,应用硝酸还原酶法测定心组织中NO含量。结果 :老年针刺组与老年对照组相比 ,心组织NO含量增多有显著性 ,SOD活性增高有显著性 ,MDA含量降低有显著性 ;青年对照组与老年对照组相比 ,心组织NO含量高 ,有显著性 ,SOD活性高有显著性 ,MDA低有显著性 ;青年对照组与老年针刺组相比 ,心组织中NO、SOD、MDA含量差别不显著。结论 :针刺老年大鼠“足三里”、“关元”穴能延缓衰老的进程 ,有抗衰老作用。
Objective: To explore the mechanism of acupuncture in anti-aging effect.This experiment explains effect of acupuncture on NO?SOD and MDA in heart tissues of the aged rats.Methods: The heart tissues nitric oxide(NO) is determined by spectrophotometry test,the heart tissues superoxied dismutase (SOD) is determined by xanthine oxidimetry test,the heart tissues malondialdehyde(MDA) is determined by thiobarbituric acid test.Results: Compared with the aged group,NO content remarkably increases in heart tissues in the acupuncted group,SOD content remarkably increases in heart tissuse in the acupunctrued group,MDA content remarkably decreases in heart tissues in the acupunctured group. Conclusion: Acupuncturing 'ZuSanLi'point and 'GuanYuan' point has a remarkable effect on resisting aging.
Journal of Mudanjiang Medical University