试验采用两种不同营养水平日粮饲喂小尾寒羊羔羊 ,结果表明 :在试验组日粮营养水平下 (试验组营养水平 :消化能 9.35MJ/kg ,粗蛋白质 10 .2 9% ,钙 0 .6 6 % ,磷 0 .4 5 % ;对照组营养水平 :消化能 9.84MJ/kg ,粗蛋白质 7.11% ,钙 0 .10 % ,磷 0 .31% ) ,可有效地改善小尾寒羊羔羊的异食癖和脱毛现象 ,并明显提高其日增重。
The two different diet of nutrition plane feeded small tailed han sheep lamb. The results indicated that the nutrition plane of treatment group (The nutrition plane of treatment group was DM 9.35MJ/kg,CP 7.11%,Ca 0.66% and P 0.45%, and control group was DM 9.48MJ/kg, CP 7.11%,Ca 0.10% and P 0.31%) improved effectively depraving appetite and molting appearance,and increased obviously daily gain.
Grass-Feeding Livestock