
新型二维纳米级微动工作台的动力学分析 被引量:29

Dynamic analysis on a novel nanopositioning stage driven by PZT
摘要 提出一种新型、集成式压电驱动两自由度nm级微定位工作台系统 ,工作台采用直角柔性平行板铰链 ,实现X ,Y方向的运动 ,采用杠杆放大柔性铰链机构实现对压电陶瓷位移的放大。并对这种新型结构形式理论分析与实验测试。根据拉格郎日方程建立微动工作台的运动微分方程 ,推导出系统前两阶固有频率的解析式。采用有限元分析方法对微动工作台进行模态分析 ,得到微定位工作台有效工作的谐振频率和振型 ,并对微动工作台的模态频率进行了实验测试。经理论分析、有限元计算和实验测试结果进行对比与分析的一致性说明理论分析的正确性和数值分析的可靠性。 A novel nanometric precision two_degrees_of_freedom positioner driven by PZT was designed and fabricated.The theoretical and experimental analyses of the stage performance were also done.The nanopositioning stage consists of a right_angle flexure parallel hinge to realize the motion along X and Y directions and the flexure pivoted lever arm to achieve piezoactuator displacement amplification. The differential equation of motion was established by Lagrange equation, and the expression of the two mode nature frequencies were derived. The model analysis of the stage was carried out by means of ANSYS, a Finite Element Method (FEM) code. Experiments were conducted to measure the modal frequencies of the stage. The results obtained from formulation, Finite Element Method(FEM) and experiments were analyzed. The numerical and experimental results prove the accuracy of the theoretical model and the validity of the FEM analysis.
出处 《光学精密工程》 EI CAS CSCD 2002年第2期143-147,共5页 Optics and Precision Engineering
基金 国家自然科学基金重大项目 (No .2 98330 70 ) 国家自然科学基金项目 (No .5 0 175 0 19) 黑龙江省杰出青年基金
关键词 微动工作台 动力学 纳米定位 柔性铰链 有限元方法 nano_positioning flexure hinges finite element analysis
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