
秦律研究综述 被引量:3

A General Survey on the Study of Qin Law
摘要 秦律是中国现存最早、最有价值的古代成文法 ,1975年睡虎地秦律竹简的发现更是中国和世界法律史上的一件大事。它的出土显示公元前 3世纪的秦国已经建立了一个相当完备的法律体系 ,显示秦国统治阶级对其臣民生活的各个方面施加其影响和控制以及为了实现统一六国的目标对国家政治、经济和军事体系的统制。本文综述了 2 5年来秦律的研究概况 ,根据新材料提出了秦律研究中有待深入的问题。 Qin Law is the earliest and invaluably written statute book so existed in China. The texts of the Qin bamboo book discovered at Shuhudi in 1975 has become an important event in the history of legal systems in China and the world. In the state of Qin a fairly complete legal System was already established in the 3rd century B.C., The thesis, based on the relating study, discusses in depth the organization of Qin law, the statute on family and class, the statute on economic and resource, the penalties in Qin law, demonstrates the key role that Qin law played in the history of legal systems in China. With the delineation of wooden and bamboo slips and proof of documents and record.
作者 曹旅宁
出处 《广东教育学院学报》 2002年第1期92-98,103,共8页 Journal of Guangdong Education Institute
关键词 秦律 研究综述 睡虎地秦简 中国 法律史 军事体系 研究成果 Qin Law general study summary shuhudi Qin bamboo book.
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  • 9《秦汉史论丛》第一楫,页四五.
  • 10高敏《云梦秦简初探》页八七、八八.




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