采用免疫组织化学方法探讨了 BDNF在成年猴脑的分布。结果显示 ,脑源性神经营养因子阳性反应产物主要分布于下列结构 :大脑皮层 III~ V层的锥体细胞及突起 ;小脑皮质篮状细胞、Purkinje细胞、Golgi细胞及小脑顶核的神经元及其突起 ;海马各区的神经元、纤维和齿状核的颗粒细胞 ;尾状核、豆状核和室旁核部分神经元和纤维 ;脑干脑桥核、舌下神经核、迷走神经背核、前庭神经核、下橄榄核及网状结构的神经元及纤维或膨体。此外 ,在大、小脑的白质也可见到部分脑源性神经营养因子阳性胶质细胞。脑源性神经营养因子阳性反应产物广泛地分布于猴脑的多种区域和细胞 ,提示其功能可能涉及不同类型的神经元及可能的非神经细胞。本研究结果为探讨脑源性神经营养因子在成年猴脑的分布规律及其功能特点提供了有用的形态学依据。
The distribution of brain derived neurotrophic factor(BDNF) in brain of adult monkey was studied by immunohistochemical method using specific antiserum of BDNF. The results were as following: The positive reaction of BDNF LI was observed in neurons and dendrites of layers Ⅲ~Ⅴ in cerebral cortex, Purkinje cell, Basket cell and Golgi cell of cerebellum, neurons of hippocampus, nucleus lentiformis, nuclei caudati, nuclei paraventriculares, nuclei pontis, nucleus nervi hypoglossi, nucleus dorsalis nervi vagi, nucleus vestibularis, nucleus olivaris caudalis and formatio reticularis. In addition, a few positive glias of BDNF LI were also observed in white matter of cerebum and cerebellum. The results suggest that BDNF LI may exist widely in the monkey brain, and may be concerned with various types of neurons. These data is useful to explore the role of BDNF in adult brain of primates.
Chinese Journal of Neuroanatomy