
综放开采不同顶煤端面顶板稳定性及其控制 被引量:38

Research on Tip-to-Face Roof Stability and Its Control for Different Hardness Coals in Fully-Mechanized Top-Coal Caving Mining
摘要 采用离散元程序 UDEC模拟分析了不同顶煤条件下端面顶板的稳定性与支架工作阻力及端面距的关系 .模拟结果表明 ,在软及中硬煤条件下 ,在一定的端面距范围内 ,支架工作阻力与端面顶板下沉量呈类双曲线关系 ;而在硬煤条件下没有类似关系 .并据此提出了端面顶板控制原则 ,认为在软煤条件下最重要的是控制端面距 ,在中硬煤条件下在于端面距与支架工作阻力的合理匹配 ,而在硬煤条件则应以提高顶煤冒放性为重点 .上述结论成功地运用于现场端面顶煤稳定性的控制 . Different control rules for tip-to-face roof stability were put forward for different hardness coals in fully-mechanized to-coal caving mining. The relationship of roof stability and support resistance and tip-to-face distance was analyzed by using UDEC program. Results show that the relation curves of support resistance and roof convergence in tip-to-face area are approximately a hyperbola under the condition of a certain distance from the surface of soft and medium-hard coals, but it is different for hard coal. Based on this, the control rules of tip-to-face roof stability were given: for soft coal, it should be very important to control tip-to-face distance; for medium-hard coal, reasonable distance and support resistance are necessary; and for hard coal, it should pay much attention to the improvement of top-coal caving behavior. The results have also been successfully used in practice.
出处 《中国矿业大学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2002年第1期69-74,共6页 Journal of China University of Mining & Technology
基金 国家自然科学基金重点资助项目 (5 973 40 90 )
关键词 综放开采 数值模拟 端面顶板 稳定性 冒放性 支架 工作阻力 Coal mines Computer simulation Hardness Mine roof supports Stability
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