探讨输尿管中下段结石的首选方法和适应证。方法 :对 2 6 0例输尿管中下段结石患者行TUPL和ESWL治疗 ,其中男 15 0例 ,女 110例。年龄 16~ 74岁 ,平均 40 .2岁 ,中段结石 80例 ,下段结石 180例 ,结石最小 4mm× 5mm ,最大 12mm× 2 5mm。结果 :TUPL组 1次碎石成功率为 96 .3% ,术中结石取净率 93 % ,3个月后结石排空率达 98.6 %。ESWL组 1次粉碎率 96 % ,粉碎排空率 74% ,3个月后结石排空率为 85 %。结论 :在设备技术条件具备的医院 ,对输尿管中下段结石可首选TUPL。
Objective:To determine the first line treatment and indication for middle and lower ureteral stones.Methods:260 patients (male=150,female=110) with middle and lower ureteral stones were treated with transurethral ureteroscopy pneumatic lithotripsy(TUPL) and extracorporeal shockwave lithotirpsy (ESWL).The patients of middle and lower ureteral stones were 80 and 180,respectively.Results:Success rate after initial treatmnet was 96.3%,stone-free rate was 93% in operation and stone-free was 98.6% after follwing up of 3 monthes in group of TUPL.The rate of fragment was 96% in the first ESWL,stone-free rate was 74% in post-ESWL and 85% after 3 monthes of ESWL.All successes were confirmed by plain abdominal X-rays postoperatively.Conclusions:We recommend TUPL as the first line treatment for middle and lower ureteral stones,when the hospitals have the suitable equipments and skills.
China Journal of Endoscopy