
高超声速弹道靶泰氟隆锥模型及弹托设计 被引量:1

The design techniques of hypersonic Teflon cone and sabot for hypervelocity ballistic range tests
摘要 模型及弹托设计是开展弹道靶试验研究的基础。对用于再入物理特性研究的泰氟隆锥模型,采用了钨、铝作芯体配重的鞘套结构,而弹托采用了四瓣不封底和八瓣全包覆两种结构并选用了聚碳酸酯和超韧尼龙两种材料。发射试验结果表明:用此方法设计的泰氟隆锥模型和选用超韧尼龙做成八瓣全包覆弹托能实现泰氟隆锥模型的超高速发射,模型的发射速度达到5.7km s,且模型与弹托分离满足再入物理试验研究的要求。 : Equally important to the ballistic range tests is the design of model and sabot. The Teflon cones used for reentry aerophysics property research are made by sheath structure, the ballast core is made from tungsten and hard aluminum. Two structures and two materials are used for the design of sabot of Teflon cone. The launch test results illustrate that the launch speed of the Teflon cone designed using sheath structure can arrive at 5.7km/s, and the sabot achieves a clean separation from the model at the conditions of adopting eight superelastic nylon sabot segments which can completely enclose the model.
作者 石安华 李毅
出处 《流体力学实验与测量》 CSCD 北大核心 2002年第2期57-62,共6页 Experiments and Measurements in Fluid Mechanics
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(19889209)
关键词 高超声速弹道靶 泰氟隆锥模型 弹托 模型设计 再入物理 阴影照相 航天飞行器 ballistic range model design sabot reentry physics shadowgraph photography
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