为了提高单牙轮钻头滑动轴承的使用寿命 ,采用有限元软件对其轴承组的接触应力分布进行了研究。得出结论 :(1)接触应力的大小与轴承组的磨损情况直接相关 ,通过降低轴承组的最大接触应力及使接触应力的分布更合理可改善其磨损 ;(2 )钻头的最大接触应力出现在止推面 ,在保持牙轮和牙爪止推面垂直度接近的前提下 ,尽量同步减小其垂直度可降低最大接触应力 ;(3)止推面接触应力呈明显的上大下小的阶梯分布 ,适当增加小轴颈的直径 ,可使止推面接触应力分布更均匀 ;(4)调整牙轮止推面和小轴孔之间的倒角可降低倒角处应力 ;(5 )只有合理的轴倾角才能使外载荷的合力方向垂直向上 ,以避免钻头过大摆动而影响钻进。
To improve the servie life of the joumal bearing of the single cone bit, t he FEA analysis software is used to make an inveshgation in its contact stress. Conclusions are drawn as follows: (l) the contwt stress is related to the wear of the bearing pack; (2) the maxham contact stress of the bit occurred on the th rust face; (3) the contat stress on the thrust face wil1 distribute more uniformly if the diameter of the sinall joumal is properly inereased;(4) the stress at the chaiilfer angle between the thrust face and small shaft hole can b e decreased by adjusting this angle; (5) rational journal angle causes a vertica l upward resu1tant force of the extemal loads, therefore can avoid violen swing of the bit.
China Petroleum Machinery