
白内障显微手术与角膜散光 被引量:3

Cataract Microsurgery and Postoperative Corneal Astigmatism
摘要 报告41例43只眼分别在显微、非显微下行白内障囊内摘除术后角膜散光变化的结果。术后角膜散光屈光度,显微手术组<非显微手术组(P<0.01)。术后3、6个月,显微手术组的角膜散光轴位均保持循、逆规性散光发生率接近,非显微手术组则以逆规性散光占优势。显微手术组术后最终矫正视力≥1.0者占75拓,明显优于非显微手术组(P<0 .Ql)。对白内障显微囊内摘除术降低角膜散光的意义及手术方法的改正做了初步讨论。 The results of the corneal astigmatism after intracapsular cataract extraction under the operating microscope and nonmicroscope for 41 patients (43 eyes) are presented in this paper. The dioptres of the postoperative astigmatism were greater in the non-microsurgery group(NG) than in the microsurgery group (MG) (p<0.01). There was no significant difference between the incidences of astigmatism with the rule and against the rule at 3 and 6 months after operation in the MG, but against the rule astigmatism occupied a do minant position in the NG. Seventy-fiye per cent of these patients attained the correction visual acuity of 20/20 or better in the MG, and being significantly above that in the NG (p<0.01), In addition, the ignificant reduction in corneal astigmatism and the modification of the method for intracapsular cataract microsurgery are also discussed.
出处 《眼科研究》 CSCD 1991年第1期19-22,共4页 Chinese Ophthalmic Research
关键词 白内障 显微手术 角膜散光 摘除 cataract microsurgery, intracapsular cataract extraction, corneal astigmatism.
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