WIN9x操作系统采用 Vx D方式来管理对于硬件的访问 ,程序的硬件操作能否与该机制相适应 ,对于软件的可靠性有着重要意义。主要介绍了 WIN9x环境下 Vx D(虚拟设备驱动程序 )及其优点 ,并与其它几种数据采集方法做了比较。分析了在 WIN95/98下 ,通过并行口读取数据采集卡数据的 Vx D开发方法 ,以及有关调试软件 (Soft/Ice)的使用。文中给出了一个程序实例 ,表明该方法是可行的。
VxD is used to monitor the access to hardware.The accomordation to this mechanism of the operation on hardware in the programmme affects greatly on the robust of the software.This article introduces the advantage of VxD in WIN9x compared with other data sampling methods.The programming of VxD,data sample of A/D board through parallel port is introduced in this paper.An example is given to show how to make the software work properly and the general way to debug VxD with Soft/Ice.The example also shows the feasibility of the method.
Modern Electric Power