针对某冶炼厂电炉生产中产生炉垢 ,影响电炉正常生产的实际问题 ,通过分析炉垢的物理成分和现场调查 ,参照金属爆破设计理论 ,采用控制爆破的方法对炉垢进行处理获圆满成功。结果表明 ,氧吹成孔技术及所选用的爆破参数合理可行 ,可供类似工程参考借鉴。
In practice, it is necessary to remove the layers of sediments because the sedimentse may cause short circuit in the electrical furnace resulting in hampering the production. An effective approach to solve this problem is to fragment the sediments by blasting, because of the complicated compositions and the extreme hardness of the slag sediments. The blasting-holes are created by means of oxygen blowing, and the optimum blasting parmeters for this special smelting furnace are calculated. The effects after blasting show that the method for removing the sediments by blasting is feasible and appropriate.
China Tungsten Industry