
中国佛教阐释学研究:佛经的汉译 被引量:16

A Study on Buddhist Hermeneutics in Ancient China: Chinese Translation of Buddhist Sutra
摘要 翻译是理解与解释的过程,是两种不同话语、两种不同文化之间 的对话。自汉代佛经翻译开始,中国古代翻译事业由文化征服走向文化交流。东汉时期,佛 经翻译受制于译者对两种不同语言的理解与表达能力的低下以及语言文化的隔膜,译经多为 “弃文存质”的直译;魏晋时期,佛经翻译家注意迎合中国本土的知识背景和学术思潮,译 经多为“滞文格义”的意译;东晋二秦时期,道安的“五失本”、“三不易”从空间性和时 间性上彰明翻译的阐释学性质,鸠摩罗什注意到佛经“有意味的形式”,对已有旧译佛经进 行了语言和意义的双重正谬和双重诠释。隋唐时期,彦琮的“八备”和玄奘的“五不翻”, 标志着翻译理论的规范化和科学化。宋代赞宁的“六例”是佛经翻译理论和实践最完满的总 结。汉译佛经改变了印度佛经的原生态,使之以中国人理解的并经中国人解释过的方式成为 世界佛教的宝藏。 Translation is a process of understanding and interpretation and also a dialogue between two different discourses or two different cultures. The unde rtaking of translation had changed from cultural conquest to cultural exchange since the translation of Buddhist sutra into Chinese in the Han Dynasty. Due to translator’s limitations in understanding and expressing in two langu ages, translation of Buddhist sutra was generally word-for-word translation i n the East H an Dynasty. Catering to the need of Chinese culture, translators of Buddhi st sutra used to apply free translation in the Wei and West Jin Dynasties. Durin g East Jin and Pre-qin and Post-qin Dynasties, Dao-an, a famous monk, drew up the translation rules “five losses of the original” and “three difficulti es about translation” which explained the nature of hermeneutics on translation from ti me and space. Jiumo Luoshi, another famous monk, corrected mistakes of old Chine se translation of Buddhist sutra and reinterpreted their language and meani ngs. Yan Cong monk's “eight abilities” and Xuan Zhuang's “f ive untran slatable situations”, marked the standardization of theories on Chinese transla tion of Buddhist sutra in Sui and Tang Dynasties. And then “six rules of transl ation” suggested by Zan Ning monk made a satisfactory summary of this realm i n the Song Dynasty. Chinese translation of Buddhist sutra changed the original a ppearance of Indian Buddhist sutra and made them treasured books which belonged to the whole world through a new form understood and interpreted by C hinese.
作者 周裕锴
机构地区 四川大学中文系
出处 《四川大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2002年第3期71-80,共10页 Journal of Sichuan University:Philosophy and Social Science Edition
关键词 汉译佛经 阐释学 翻译 文化交流 Chinese translation of Buddhist sutra Buddhist hermeneutics translation cultural exchange
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