简要介绍了我国城市轨道交通发展现状和所面临的振动和噪声等环境污染问题。车辆、轨道和桥隧结构或岩土介质等 ,组成一个复杂的大系统。随着城市轨道交通的发展 ,振动和噪声等环境污染问题 ,日益引起了人们的重视 ,很多研究人员对此进行了分析研究 ,特别是比较深入地进行了轮轨系统的动力相互作用问题的研究。本文作者分析了轮轨系统的振动机理和垂向振动模型 ;对传统道床和浮置板弹性道床进行了分析比较 ;重点介绍了钢弹簧浮置板弹性道床的隔振原理和设计原则 ;
The present condition of the urban rail traffic and the noise and vibration problems were introduced in this paper. The rail and track bed together with the bridge or the tunnel and it′s surrounding rock is a very complicated system. With the development of urban rail traffic, the people pay more attention to the vibration and noise problems. Researchers had done some research works on these problems, especially on the dynamical interaction of rail and wheel. The author generally analysed the vibrating mechanism of the systems and the vertical vibrating model and do some comparisons for traditional track beds and elastic ones. The author emphatically introduced the spring supported elastic floating track bed systems (FTS). The vibration control principles and designing rules were analysed in this paper and a successful project in some country, which used FTS, was introduced furthermore.
China Railway Science