玉米宽窄行耕作栽培技术创造了松紧兼备、虚实并存的耕层构造。在协调耕层土壤水、肥、气、热状况方面有良好的效果 ;打破犁底层 ,不翻转耕层 ,不破坏耕层结构 ,蓄水保墒 ;精密播种 ,省种省工 ;留高茬还田 ,培肥地力 ;苗带轮换 ,隔年休闲 ,用养结合 ;改变了种植方式 ,改善农田环境 ,增强玉米生产后期的通风透光性 ,发挥了边行优势 ;便于中后期田间管理 ,为植物中后期采取各种调控技术措施 。
Planting of corn on wide alternative narrow row with cultivation technique created reasonable furrowed soil build It made water,fertilizer,air and fever adjust each other in the soil;It not only loosen soil and stored rain water but also did not destroy furrowed texture of soil;Every seed was sowed in formulary place The methed not only saved seeds but also saved time Partial stems and roots were kept in the field for increasing nutrition of soil;Seeds were sowed in the wide row in the next year and It was sowed in the narrow row in the third year in the cycle ,This method not only made use of soil but also increased nutrition of soil,improved surrounding of farm and was fit for photosynthesis of leaf in the middle part and foliage absorbing carbon dioxide because of exchanging method of planting;It would benefit us to adopt a lot of technique in the later period for increasing crops .
Journal of Maize Sciences