资源安全至今没有公认的定义 ,但其核心内容包括 3个方面 :一是资源的数量 ,二是供应的稳定性 ,三是价格的合理性。国内有关资源安全的研究主要有三个方向 :一是从国际关系和国际政治方面来进行研究 ;二是从经济安全的角度来研究 ,把资源安全作为经济安全的一个组成部分 ;三是从资源环境领域进行研究 ,主要研究石油和粮食保障问题。到目前为止 ,评估资源安全的综合指标体系尚未建立 ,主要指标散见于能源安全、粮食安全、金融安全和水资源安全等专门领域。本文最后就目前在资源安全研究中的几个重要问题进行了探讨 :(1 )不要过分夸大资源的不安全 ,在一般情况下 ,利用国外资源的效益远远高于它所带来的风险 ;(2 )自给自足减少了短期风险 ,却影响长远的资源安全 ;(3)开放、多元的系统更加稳定、安全 ;(4)效益和安全兼顾 ,效益优先 ;(5)进口资源是中国进一步对外开放的体现 ,不是对世界资源市场的威胁 ;(6)非传统安全和传统安全相互交织 。
There are no identical views about the definition of resources security. But its key content includes three aspects: the quantity of resources, the stability of resources supply, and the rationality of resources prices. Resources security studies in China can be divided into three research directions: the first one is focus on the aspect of international security and relations; the second one is focus on economic security, which considers resources security a part of economic security; and the third one is focus on the aspect of resources and environment. Main research areas are energy security, food security and ecological security. Up to now, a comprehensive index system for appraising resources security has not been established, although some indices can be found in some special areas, such as food security, energy security, financial security and water security. At the end of this paper, it discusses some important issues related to resources security. (1) Do not overstate the risks of utilizing of overseas resources; generally speaking, the benefit of utilization of overseas resources is much higher than the cost of risk. (2) Self sufficiency can reduce short term risks of resources supply, but may increase the long term risks. (3) Open and diversified resources supply system is more stable and safety. (4) Consideration must be given to both the security and benefit, but benefit first. (5) Importing resources is a reflection of China's opening policy, not a threat to international resources markets. (6) Non traditional security and traditional security can interweave into each other, and non traditional security can change into traditional security if it developes to a certain degree.
Progress in Geography
自然科学基金项目 (项目批准号 79970 0 60 )
中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所知识创新领域前沿项目 (项目编号 CXIOG- BOO- 0 2 )共同资助