

The Clinical Analysis of Foldable Lens Implantation
摘要 目的观察 3.2mm切口的超声乳化白内障吸除和折叠式人工晶体植入术的疗效。 方法对 96眼白内障行超声乳化吸除术 ,分别采用 3.2mm切口植入折叠式人工晶体和 5 .5mm切口植入硬性人工晶体 ,比较两种方法的术后视力、前房炎性反应、手术性角膜散光和后囊膜混浊程度。 结果两组术后视力和前房炎性反应无显著差异 ,3.2mm切口组比 5 .5mm切口组引起的手术性角膜散光小 (P <0 .0 5 )。术后半年 5 .5mm切口组有 7例发生不同程度的后囊膜混浊 ,而 3.2mm切口组未见后囊膜混浊。 结论 3.2mm切口的超声乳化结合折叠式人工晶体植入能减少手术性角膜散光 ,降低后囊膜混浊的发生率。 Objective To observe the clinical effect of phacoemulsification with 3.2mm incision in foldable lens implantation. Methods Ninety-six eyes with phacoemulsification were separated in two groups. In 51 eyes foldable lens were implanted with 3.2mm incision and in others hard lens were implanted with 5.5mm incision. Between these two groups, postoperative visual acuity, anterior chamber reaction, surgically induced-astigmatism (SIA) and post capsular opacity (PCO) were compared. Results The anterior chamber reaction had no difference between two groups, but SIA values and the incidence of PCO in 3.2mm group was lower than those in 5.5mm group. Conclusion PHACO with 3.2mm incision in foldable lens implantation can decrease SIA and PCO.
作者 华佩炎 张钧
出处 《上海第二医科大学学报》 CSCD 2002年第4期345-347,共3页 Acta Universitatis Medicinalis Secondae Shanghai
关键词 白内障 超声乳化 人工晶体 手术性角膜散光 cataract phacoemulsification intraocular lens surgically induced-astigmatism
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