对盅口族Cyathostominea线虫分类系统的研究进行了回顾和讨论。根据各分类学家的意见 ,笔者提出了盅口族线虫的分类系统。该系统以Lichtenfels等人 (1998)的观点为基础 ,其不同点在于 :1)将马线虫属CaballonemaAbulasze ,1937和柱咽属CylindropharynxLeiper ,1911从盅口族中移出 ,放入柱咽族CylindropharyngeaPopova ,195 2 ;2 )Scialdo Krecek (1984 )描述的Cylicodon tophorusreineckei应归属于副杯口属ParapoteriostomumHartwich ,1986。
After the systematics of Cyathostominea was reviewed, a revised classification was given. This classification differs from that presented by Lichtenfels et al.(1998) as follows. (1) Cylindropharynx Leiper, 1911 and Caballonema Abuladze, 1937 are excluded from the Cyathostominea and placed in the separate tribe Cylindropharynea Popova, 1952. (2)Cylicodontophorus reineckei Scialdo-Krecek and Malan, 1984 is removed from Cylicodontophorus Ihle, 1922 to Parapoteriostomum Hartwich, 1986. Author′s key to the genera of Cyathostominea are given below. 1. Dorsal wall of oesophageal funnel with three small teeth. External leaf crown (ELC) thin and long, internal leaf crown (ILC) jointed together to form a ring-shaped structureTridentoinfundibulum Oesophageal teeth not arranged as above. Two leaf crowns presnet2 2.Dorsal ray of bursa only with one lateral branch, occasionally distal end of lateral branch bifidSkrjabinodentus Dorsal ray of bursa with two lateral branches3 3.Elements of ILC as long as, or longer than, broader and usually fewer than that of ELC4 Elements of ILC shorter, usually narrower and more numerous than that of ELC6 4.Buccal capsule wall thicker posteriorly than anteriorlyPoteriostomum Buccal capsule wall of uniform thickness5 5.Buccal capsule wider anteriorly than posteriorly, funnel-shaped. ELC equal to ILC in numberCylicodontophorus Buccal capsule about cylindrical, slightly wider posteriorly than anteriorly. IEL fewer numerous than ELCParapoteriostomum 6.Buccal capsule with ring-like thickening posteriorly. Amphids usually prominent7 Buccal capsule without ring-like thickening posteriorly. Amphids not prominent8 7.Vagina extremely shortHsiungia Vagina relatively longCylicocyclus 8.ILC inserted deep on internal wall of buccal capsule. Collar of oral opening high9 ILC inserted at or near anterior edge of buccal capsule. Collar of oral opening depressed10 9.Extra chitinous support separated anteriorly from wall of buccal capsuleCoronocyclus Extra chitinous support jointed anteriorly to wall of buccal capsuleCyathostomum 10.Buccal capsule wall thickening at posterior third, and thinned anteriorly. ELC more numerous than 25Petrovinema Buccal capsule wall without above structure. ELC fewer numerous than 25Cylicostephanus
Acta Zootaxonomica Sinica