

The Necessary and Sufficient Conditions of Continuity of Additve Functions
摘要 本文首先讨论d—凸函数为凸函数的充要条件,得到了d—凸函数为凸函数当且仅当它局部可测;进而证明了可加函数为连续的充要条件是其图象在R^2中不稠。 In this paper, firstly, we show that a d-convex function is a convex function if and only it it is a locally measurable function. Secondly, we give the necessary and sufficient conditions of continuity of additive function, we prove that an additive funclion is a linear funclion iff its graph is not dense in R^2.
作者 王慕三
机构地区 安徽师大数学系
出处 《安徽师大学报》 1989年第2期1-15,共15页
关键词 可加函数 d-凸函数 凸函数 连续 d—convexfunction, Convexfunction, Additive function, Localcy measurable function.
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