
黄梅戏观众的语言认同调查 被引量:2

The Survey on the Language Recognition of Huangmei Opera Audience
摘要 以黄梅戏为个案,调查地方戏观众语言认同情形的结果显示:调查对象使用安庆方言的原因主要是语言习惯,并普遍对普通话持肯定态度;但黄梅戏未来发展的观众基础仍然存在,各年龄段人群大多都认为黄梅戏用方言表演好。这对各方言和地方戏的保护发展存在一些普适性的启示:一是方言的作用渐渐被削弱,视方言为语言资源和文化生态的保护工作亟待展开;二是解决地方戏改革中的语言选用问题要重视并促成地方戏传承和方言保护两者之间的良性互动。 Huangmei opera is taken as an example for case study, and the result of the survey on the language recognition of local opera audience suggests: the main reason of the audience using Anqing dialect is language habit, who also holds a positive attitude to the mandarin. However, the audience base for the future development of Huangmei opera still exists and people of all ages think that Huangmei opera performed in dialect is better. The survey also suggests : firstly, the role of the dialect is weakened gradually, so protection work needs to be carried out; secondly, to solve the problem of language using in local opera reform, great importance should be attached to the protection of local opera tradition and dialect.
作者 方寅 金孟玲
出处 《合肥学院学报(社会科学版)》 2014年第4期88-92,共5页 Journal of Hefei University:Social Sciences
基金 安徽省教育厅人文社会科学研究一般项目"黄梅戏改革中的语言问题及其对策研究"(SK2012B283)基金资助
关键词 黄梅戏观众 普通话 安庆方言 语言认同 Huangmei opera audience mandarin Anqing dialect language recognition
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