为了探索修枝对杨树溃疡病发病及其生长的影响,以3年生和5年生107杨(Populus×euramericana‘74/76’)为研究对象,从2010—2013年在河南省清丰县分别开展了修枝季节(冬季和夏季)、修枝强度(1/3H,2/3H)对树木生长和溃疡病发病状况影响的研究。结果表明:5年生杨树修枝后经过3 a生长,夏季修枝显著降低了树木的高生长和径生长,并且导致发病指数显著高于冬季修枝和对照组,而冬季修枝对林木的高生长、径生长以及发病指数无显著影响;3年生杨树修枝后经过1个生长季,不同强度的修枝均对林木的高生长和径生长产生了负效应,并且修枝强度间的发病指数差异显著。经过修枝处理,2个林龄组的枝下高均显著高于对照组,不同季节的修枝处理间枝下高无显著差异,而不同修枝强度的枝下高差异显著。相关分析结果显示,林木发病指数与胸径呈极显著的负相关。因此,本研究揭示:修枝时树木胸径不宜太小,应选择在树木速生期时开展修枝抚育,同时修枝管理宜在不削弱树势的前提下,并适当结合杨树人工林的培育目标进行;未来急需开展针对不同杨树栽培品种的最佳修枝年龄、最佳修枝胸径等方面的研究。
The experiment was conducted to explore the impact of pruning on poplar canker disease occurrence and severity as well as poplar tree' s growth in hybrid poplar Populusxeuramericana cv. ' 74/76' plantations from 2010 to 2013 in Qingfeng County, China, and compared the effect of pruning season (winter and summer under the same pruning intensity) to five years old trees and pruning intensity ( 1/3 of lower crown length and 2/3 of lower crown length) to three years old trees. The summer pruning can significantly reduce tree height and annual increment of diameter at breast height (DBH) over three growing seasons from 2010 to 2012 compared to that of winter pruning and control. Summer pruning can lead to significantly higher disease severity index compared to that of winter pruning and control, while there is no statistically significant difference in tree height, DBH and canker disease severity index between trees receiving winter pruning and those in control. There is no significant difference in clear bole height between trees receiving pruning in winter and in summer under the same pruning intensity, while both differ significantly compared to control. The pruning intensity of 1/3 and 2/3 of lower crown length can significantly reduce tree height growth and annual DBH increment over one growing season compare to that in control. Disease severity index differs statistically significant between trees pruned by intensity of 1/3 and 2/3 of lower crown length, while they do not differ significantly compared to that in control, respectively. Clear bole height differs significantly among the treatments and control ranged in order of control 〈 1/3 pruning intensity 〈 2/3 pruning intensity. There is a negative correlation between DBH and disease severity index. Therefore, poplar pruning treatment should be performed combining with cultivation purposes and on preconditions of un-weakening tree' s vigor.
Journal of Northeast Forestry University
Populusxeuramericana cv. '74/76'
Poplar canker
Disease severity index
Growth index