
农村微电网风光储多时间尺度互补供电技术研究 被引量:3

Multiple-Time Scale Complementary Power Supply of a Rural Microgrid Composed of Wind Power Turbine and Photovoltaic with Energy Storage
摘要 对农村微电网中风光储互补供电技术进行了针对性研究,提出了一种风光储多时间尺度互补供电技术,利用储能系统和风光发电系统在时间尺度上的差异和互补特性,充分发挥储能系统的快速功率吞吐能力和灵活充放电特性,与分布式风光发电的备用功率调节特性协调互补,进而提高农村微电网供电系统的供电可靠性和安全性。基于PSCAD/EMTDC电磁暂态仿真平台建立风光储互补微电网电磁暂态仿真模型,在农村微电网并/离网切换过程中对储能系统的快速功率支撑以及风光储的多时间尺度供电技术进行了仿真分析,结果表明风光储多时间尺度互补供电技术运行稳定,解决了农村地区供电可靠性低及电能质量差等难题。 Based on a rural microgrid composed of wind power Turbine (WT) and photovoltaic (PV) generators with energy storage (ES), this paper proposed the multiple-time scale complementary power supply technology. By using the quick power support and charge/dis-charge characteristics of the ES system, as well as the distributed coordination characteristics of WT and PV power generators, the power supply reliability and security of the rural microgrid could be improved. A typical rural microgrid composed of WT, PV and ES was built based on PSCAD/EMTDC electromagnetic transient simulation platform and the quick power support of ES and multiple-time scale coor-dination control were analyzed in the simulation model. Simulation results show that the proposed WT/PV/ES complementary power sup-ply technology can solve the low power supply reliability and poor power quality of rural microgrid etc power supply problems.
出处 《电工电气》 2014年第7期1-4,31,共5页 Electrotechnics Electric
基金 国家高科技研究计划项目(863计划)(2011AA050203)
关键词 农村微电网 储能系统 风力发电 光伏发电 多时间尺度 rural microgrid energy storage wind power turbine photovoltaic multiple-time scale
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