
生物膜预防肌腱粘连的研究进展 被引量:1

Research Progress of Biological Membrane to Prevent Tendon Adhesion
摘要 肌腱损伤后粘连与修复相伴行,粘连预示着功能的缺失。在肌腱愈合学说的引导下,从业者不断寻求预防肌腱粘连的方法,目前预防粘连的主要方法有局部应用药物、自体组织移植、金属屏障、生物屏障、理疗、系统康复训练。上述方法在动物实验或临床应用中取得了良好的效果。在诸多文献中不论是动物实验还是临床研究均证实生物膜可有效地缓解肌腱粘连,尤其是可降解载药生物膜预防肌腱粘连优势明显。进一步研究有效预防肌腱粘连的生物膜并转化为临床应用是目前研究的热点。 Adhesion alwws presents in the repair of tendon after injury,which indicates the missing of function.Under the guidance of themy of tendon healing,practitionms have been continually looking for ways to prevent tendon adhesion,so far the main methods are:local application of drugs,autologous tissue transplantation,metal barrier,biological barriers,physical therapy and rehabilitation training system.The above methods have achieved good effect in animal experiments or clinical application.Biofilm,as demonstrated in many animal experiments and clinical trials,can effectively alleviate the tendon adhesion,especially the biodegradable drug-loaded membrane,which has significant advantages.Further research on biofilm which can effectively prevent tendon adhesion and converting it into clinical application is currently the hotspot in the field.
出处 《医学综述》 2014年第14期2531-2534,共4页 Medical Recapitulate
关键词 肌腱粘连 预防 Membrane Tendon adhesion Prevention
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