在确定移民社会保障建立概念、原则的基础上 ,结合当前我国移民问题实际 ,提出移民社会保障系统由五个子系统组成 ,即移民社会保险子系统 ,移民社会救助子系统 ,移民社会福利子系统 ,移民社会优抚子系统以及移民其它社会保障子系统。同时指出每个子系统又包含若干个项目。每个子系统既相互独立又相互协调。
Based on identifing the concept of resettlement social guarantee and the principle of the system established, considering Chinese resettlement practice, the author puts forward that resettlement social guarantee system is consist of five subsystems, which include insurance subsystem, salvation subsystem, social welfare subsystem,special treatment and compensation and other social subsystem; points out that each subsystem also includes many sub ̄items which is either independent or coordinate, and at the same time provides a case study on S reservoir of T Hydropower Station.
Journal of Economics of Water Resources