目的建立测定犬血浆中美沙拉嗪浓度的紫外分光光度法(UV)。方法以5%三氯乙酸沉淀蛋白,在紫外吸收波长303 nm处测定吸光度值。结果回归方程为Y=0.0051X+0.0277(r=0.9997),线性范围40~160μg/ml;美沙拉嗪低、中、高3种浓度方法回收率分别为(97.16±2.37)%、(98.92±1.84)%、(98.41±2.29)%;日内精密度RSD分别为2.17%、1.75%、2.21%,日间精密度RSD分别为1.88%、1.68%、1.63%。结论紫外分光光度法简单、准确、成本低,为后续开展相关研究奠定了基础。
Objective To establish UV-spectrophotometry (UV) method for the determination of mesalazine in dog plasma. Methods Serum protein was precipitated with 5% trichloroacetic acid, and the absorbance value at 303 nm was detected. Results The regression equation was Y=0.0051 X+0.0277 (r=0.9997), and the linear response range was 40~160μg/ml. The recovery rates of mesalazine in three different concentrations were (97.16±2.37)%, (98.92±1.84)%, (98.41±2.29)%respectively. The RSD of intra-day precision was 2.17%, 1.75%, 2.21%. The RSD of inter-day precision was 1.88%, 1.68%, 1.63%respectively. Conclusion The UV method is simple, accurate and low-cost, which can lay the foundation for the further research.
Chinese Journal of Modern Drug Application