
多层光变防伪膜的非均匀垂直偏振光反射特性 被引量:2

The Reflection Properties of Multilayer Anti-counterfeiting Optical films for Vertical-polarized Wave
摘要 基于非均匀光波在导电介质中传播时其相移传播方向和振幅衰减方向的不一致性,利用光波动方程的解由电磁场边界条件导出非均匀垂直偏振光在多层超薄金属膜与透明介质膜组合膜系中光波的传输递推公式.为验证方法的可靠性,给出了不同厚度金属膜防伪光变膜系的能量反射率算例,并与现有算法进行对比,结果表明:两种算法得到的能量反射曲线的分布特征具有很好的相似性,但本文算法表现出金属膜具有强的吸收特性和窄带反射效应. Based on the difference of phase-shift direction and amplitude attenuation direction when the optical wave propagates in conductive medium , with the solution of the wave equation and the boundary conditions of optical wave at the interface of the media, the recurrence formula of thevertical-polarized inhomogeneous optical wave in the muhilayer film were derived. In order to exammine the reliability of this method, the light energy reflectivity for an 11-layer combinational film was computed, and the compare of calculating results with the existing calculating method was given. The result shows that the reflection properties of light energy reflectivity get good consistency, but the calculated result with this method displays that metal film has stronger absorbing properties and reflection effective of narrow band.
出处 《光子学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第8期203-208,共6页 Acta Photonica Sinica
基金 北京印刷学院校级重点资助项目(No.E-a-2013-19 E-a-2012-31) 北京市属市管高等学校人才强教计划资助项目(No.PHR201107145)资助
关键词 多层防伪光变膜 非均匀波 超薄金属膜 垂直偏振波 反射特性 Muhilayer anti-counterfeiting optical film Inhomogeneous wave Razor-thin metal film Rertical polarized wave Reflection property
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