
美、英、新加坡国家教师荣誉制度的共性研究 被引量:30

A Commonality Research of the National Teachers Award System in United States,United Kingdom and Singapore
摘要 国家级教师最高奖具有鼓励全国教师热爱并积极从事教育事业的重要作用。美国"国家年度教师"、英国"年度教师奖"和新加坡"卓越教师总统奖"作为三国的教师最高荣誉制度各有特色,激励教师的政策目标明确,评选流程规范,荣誉获得者作为教师的代言人和学习楷模具有显著的示范作用,且获奖教师普遍在情感教育、创新思维、关注弱势群体等方面有着独特的贡献。 National Teachers Award is the highest honor given to outstanding teachers, which encourages teachers to be more actively engaged in education. The National Teacher of the Year in United States, the Teaching Awards in United Kingdom and the President's Award for Teachers in Singapore are three highest national teachers awards. Its objections, selection process and winner's duty are all very unique to be discussed. Award - winning teachers, who were generally have great contributions to emotional education, innovative thinking, and caring for the disadvantage groups, provide an image of the excellent teacher and a model for the country.
作者 罗明煜
出处 《教师教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第5期107-112,共6页 Teacher Education Research
基金 国家自然科学基金项目<教育管理政策与现实制度不相容理论与机制研究>(71373082)成果之一
关键词 教师荣誉 教师奖励 教育政策 teachers award teachers honor educational policy
  • 相关文献


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