
分形地面与埋藏目标宽带电磁散射FDTD研究 被引量:1

Wide-band Electromagnetic Scattering from Fractal Rough Land Surface with Buried Target Using FDTD
摘要 采用一维带限Weierstrass分形函数模拟实际的粗糙地面,运用时域有限差分法研究了脉冲波入射时分形地面与下方埋藏目标复合模型的宽带电磁散射问题,得出了后向复合散射系数的频率响应曲线.数值计算了后向复合散射系数随分形地面分维数、高度起伏均方根、土壤湿度、目标尺寸、目标倾角、目标埋藏深度等的变化情况,并做了详细分析与讨论,得到了一维带限Weierstrass分形地面与下方埋藏目标复合模型的宽带电磁散射特性. The 1D band-limited weierstrass fractal function is used to simulate the natural rough land surface ,the wide-band electromagnetic scattering from composite model of fractal rough land surface with buried target with pulse wave incident is studied using FDTD,the frequency response curves of back composite scattering coefficient is obtained. The back composite scattering coefficient varying with the fractal dimension. The root-mean-square of height fluctuation of fractal land surface,the moisture capacity of soil,the target size,the slope angle of target,the buried depth of target are numerically calculated,and they are analysed and discussed in detail at the same time. The characteristics of the wide-band electromagnetic scattering from composite model of 1D band-limited weierstrass fractal land surface with buried target is obtained.
出处 《河南科学》 2014年第9期1713-1718,共6页 Henan Science
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(61379026) 延安市科技计划项目(2012kg-10)
关键词 时域有限差分法 宽带电磁散射 分形地面 埋藏目标 FDTD wide-band electromagnetic scattering fractal rough land surface buried target
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